I'm a professional Web Developer, Designer, Animator and Video Editor
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I'm a professional Web Developer, Designer, Animator and Video Editor. I can code in HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Python, Django, Node.js and MongoDB
I have completed many courses for front-end development on Udemy. I have learned HTML5, Bootstrap, Css3, Jquery and JavaScript from these courses. I've successfully completed many projects as a freelancer using these languages.
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.
I'm a self taught developer and I'm very familiar with coding languages like python, Django, react etc. I've completed all my courses from Udemy and now I have become a professional developer
I've worked as a logos and Graphic desginer in Vdesign company based in jammu. I had a good experience in this company. I also worked as marketer and front-end developer in this company
Right now, I'm working with the company Appoint Coder as a full stack developer and I'm also working as a freelancer for my side business and I love to work on new projects
I'm also a UI/UX Desinger, Graphic designer and logo designer in this company. Sometimes I also work on WordPress Websites and its very interesting
Here are the services I provide as a freelancer
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia
These are few projects I have worked on before
Hi, I'm Hardik Singh and I'm a professional Web Developer. I can help you to grow your business online by building websites for you at affordable prices.
Todays Generation comes up with more creative ideas then the experienced one's. They have very good ability to think creative ideas with modern solutions
As far as I'm concerned the future of web development is never ending.
Well, its not that hard to start your career as a developer. You just need to be focused on what you're learning actually. Once you start, You will be able to teach your self better than others could teach you. you just need to get familiar with the programming languages you will be able to learn them more by yourself.
Contact me for all kind of online web services, Designes and editing stuffs
If you're here you must be looking for a professional developer. I can help you to grow your business online by getting web solutions. Contact me for any kind of paid services at affordable prices.
Jammu & Kashmir, India, Billawar, 184203